Saturday, December 28, 2019

Benefits And Adverse Effects Of Birth Control - 2738 Words

Benefits and Adverse Effects of Birth Control in Women 18-35 Yekaterina Rabinskaya 8/17/15 Introduction Since the invention of contraceptive methods, scientists have been looking for methods to benefit the process of birth control. We have found some ways in controlling conception and providing women the benefit of either taking an oral dose, injectable dose, or having outpatient surgical procedures that prevents pregnancy either indefinitely or for an extension of several years at a time. In this project, I will discuss if the oral type of birth control is beneficial and if the adverse effects are evident enough to compel the cessation of such preventative methods. With approval of birth control in United States, there has been a major turning point in the country. Introduction of birth control techniques provide women in the United States with an effective, reversible and convenient technique of contraception which made real prospect of the reliably childbearing in the country (Goldin Katz, 2002). Access to reliable birth control measures has permitted women to plan when to get pregnant, when to give birth as well as how to space their children in case they become parents. Apparently, the new norms for birth control technique continue evolving and are expected to continue gaining popularity all over the world. To be more specific, birth control has helped women develop economically especially in business sector for the past 85 years. Moreover, while the wage gapShow MoreRelatedThe Vaccine Controversy Essay examples1641 Words   |  7 Pages22, 2010 The Vaccine Controversy The vaccine controversy is the dispute over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and /or safety of vaccinations. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Communication Is The Biggest Type Of Communication

From the beginning of time to the year 2015, our world has evolved to heights that no one could ever imagine. The crazy thing about it is the thing that pushes and makes people in our world eager to evolve even more is communication. Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information or news and it is a means of connection between people or places. This known factor can be used as a large tool of improvement in any thing anybody could possibly think of relationships, teams, jobs, and as our world knows, evolution. People now a days are aware of how huge communication is to our world, to the point they want to make it so much easier to the people. When people think about communication, they automatically think of verbal communication but the biggest type of communication is nonverbal. Statistics point out that 93% of a human’s everyday life is nonverbal communication. That number is completely irrelevant because the study of human behavior and communication is a very d ifficult discipline that a lot of people have very different views on. Saying that, the number still holds to show that nonverbal communication is just as vital, maybe even more, than verbal communication. Communication is the act of expressing ideas, information, knowledge, thoughts, and feelings, as well as understanding what others express. The communication process involves both sending and receiving messages and can take many forms. Verbal communication is the spoken word, while nonverbalShow MoreRelatedCommunication Is The Most Important Aspect Of Being A Leader / Manager822 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the biggest challenges facing leaders/managers is communication, yet it is the most important aspect of being a leader/manager. Communication builds trust and trust is a powerful force that builds loyalty, increases credibility and supports effective communications. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Leadership & Teambuilding-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Choose four areas in Leadership for your self-analysis and justify your choice. Answer: Leadership Leadership involves the process by which a person is able to guide, influence and take control of a group, individuals or an organization so as to achieve its aims and objectives. Therefore, it is essential to consider the various areas as discussed below pertaining leadership, in order for one to analyze themselves. Gathering support, this calls for harmonization of the various stakeholders to be involved in the achievement of a given goal. Team work that is pulling together is essential for any institution (Mullins Constable, 2013). Thus, it is the responsibility of any leader to ensure that he has the full support of all the partners involved. This area is important as it enables me as a leader to be able to gauge my ability to integrate persons and maintain that spirit of togetherness throughout my term as a leader. It also, allows me to estimate my rapport ability. Hence, creating the best in me as a leader. Setting directions, it pertains the stipulation of a legal framework indicating the way forward of a given task or institution. Thus, it is important to know where you are coming from and the direction you are heading to. The focus is a virtue that characterizes a good leader. Hence, this area will effectively enable me to analyze my state as a leader. Since, it allows me to make sure that the aims and objectives of the institution are attained (Kriger Seng, 2012). Also, it ensures that the stakeholders are able to work in unison and at the stipulated time without delays. Thus, enhancing the smooth running of the institution. Conveying messages across and ensuring that things are done. Communication is paramount to the success of any institution. Hence, it should be effectively conveyed at the right time. Thus, through it, team members are able to get the right information and implement as expected (Cox, 2016). Also, ensuring the efficient completion of tasks is very crucial as it a llows the continuous progress of the organization. This area is crucial to me as a leader as it enables me to have effective and improve on communication skills. Also, it trains me on managerial and delegation skills, hence effecting my leadership ability. Getting feedback, results acquisition is significant as it is the yard stick for measuring the progress of an institution. Hence, keeping track of what goes on is part of a leadership responsibility (Sims Quatro, 2015). Thus, this area is of benefit to me as it allows me to be accountable, hence, enhancing my transparency. In a nut shell, all leadership areas are profitable as it creates self-awareness and self-esteem leading to career development, personal growth and ability to understand thus, making me or any individual a better leader. References Sims, R. and Quatro, S. (2015). Leadership. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Cox, M. (2016). Four Positions of Leadership in Planning, Implementing, and Sustaining Faculty Learning Community Programs. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, [online] 2016(148), pp.85-96. Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2017]. Kriger, M. and Seng, Y. (2012). Leadership with inner meaning: A contingency theory of leadership based on the worldviews of five religions. The Leadership Quarterly, [online] 16(5), pp.771-806. Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2017]. Mullins, C. and Constable, G. (2013). Leadership and teambuilding in primary care. Oxford: Radcliffe

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

In Ancient India, Women Occupied A Very Important Position With, In Fa Essay Example For Students

In Ancient India, Women Occupied A Very Important Position With, In Fa Essay ct a superior position to, man. Literary evidence suggests that kings and towns were destroyed because a single woman was wronged by the state. For example, Elango Adigals Sillapathigaram teaches us Madurai, the capital of the Pandyas was burnt because Pandyan Nedunchezhiyan mistakenly killed her husband on theft charges. Valmikis Ramayana teaches us that Ravana and his entire clan waswiped out because he abducted Sita. Veda Vyasas Mahabharatha teaches us that all the Kauravas were killed because they humiliated Draupadi in public. To instill such high ideals in humankind, Indian ancestors created a plethora of godesses who enjoyed equal status with their husbands. The concept of Ardhanareeshwarar, where God is depicted as half-man and half-woman, is a concrete example to support this argument. In many philosophical texts God is referred to a Tat, meaning It and that God is beyond gender. And, one would find a comparable Godess for each God. Further, we know for a fact that ancient India was permissive; women could have multiple husbands, widows could remarry, divorce was permitted for incompatability or when estranged. Contemporary IndiaIn contemporary India, women occupy a paradoxical status. On the one hand, there are godesses featuring in the Hindu pantheon and revered by men. On the other, some wives are burnt because they did not bring enough dowry (the horrible institutionalized and illegal practice of expecting the womans parent to provide a large purse to the groom); women are victimized by powerful local political figures and their family; some women are abducted by rich youths withimpunity; and there are credible stories of female infanticide in rural India. Surely, these cases are not the norm. Nevertheless, it is horrifying to see that they happen. Some may argue that these incidences no way compare to the domestic violence rate in the US; compared to the status of women in Japan, Indian women enjoy equal status socially, economically, and politically; themal-treatment of women using mis-interepreted religious laws in many Islamic countries is absent in India; etc. They points are moot as they are compared to lowest points in human civilization and not the wonderful legacy of tolerance and past that India is proud to claim. Contemporary India is almost an anti-thesis to ancient India. Society continue to treat windows, divorcees, and abandoned women with contempt. Window remarriage, while it happens frequently, is an uphill task for the couple. Back-handed Victorian prusih behavior, meaning it is alright when something is kept a secret, in the land that produced the Kama Sutra(the first andarguably the best book on love, relationships, and sex) is fostering a society that is sexually repressive, morally corrupt, and without values for human dignity. Fortunately, many things are being done to address these problems. There is a National Human Rights Commission for Women that handles all human rights violations against women. There is a National Council for Women that advocates policy for Women. There is an entire ministry for women that manages policy for women. There is a very large body of educated women professions (some statistics quote mnore women engineers and scientists in India than in the US),many publications that were created by women. run by women, and are for women, several vocal women journalists and pundits, special courts for dowry deaths, and countless women-specific NGOs. The present Government also sponsored and passed a law that required all political parties to maintain a count of at least one-third of the total candidates in elections to be women. Hence, despite media sensationalism, especially in the West, the outlook for womens status in India society looks promising.