Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing Tourism Preparing Hospitality Managers

Question: Discuss the Case Study for Marketing Tourism of Preparing Hospitality Managers. Answer: Introduction The term Mcdonaldised was given by the scholar George Ritzer, he defines that Mcdonaldised as a method by which the values and ethics of fast food restaurants are coming to dominate most of the sectors of society not only in the United States but the rest of the world also. According to Ritzer Mchdonaldised not only affects the restaurant and tourism business, but also in other aspects of society (Harrington et al., 2011). We live in culture of value efficiency, quantity and predictability and contribution of all these three aspects make the world Mcdonaldised Efficiency: In McDonald restaurant services are too fast and effective to deliver the products fast and quick. Everyone uses the efficiency of McDonald model in daily and modern society such as doing banking and completing tax formalities on the net, easy weight loss programs, using fast technology in online shopping g and so on (Holjevac, 2003). In the tourism sector, we can see the example of Walt Disney fast services like online booking, passes and so on. Predictability: In predictability aspect, every consumer in McDonald can predict the restaurants deign, food menu uniformly is almost same in every country. Similarly, the other sectors also we have seen same stores in different places. There are many popular websites that have the same layout and it becomes easy for the customers as they know about the products and how can they deal with any situation (Cho, 2002). In the tourism sector, we have seen many theme parks for children and other activities can be predicted by the customers which help him to choose the destination. Calculability- McDonald highlights quantity over quality. In every store, the consumer can buy the same level of weight and size of burgers and other eatable product of McDonald. Every product is standardized and of high quality to satisfy the expectations of the consumers. The consumer always wants to know the quantity they are offering is good quality and their cost is according to their standard (Ingram, 2003). In the competitive market, other business also applies the calculability aspect to maintain the image in the market. There are many stores which are open 24 hours to give qualitative products to the customers. Controlling- The fourth principle of Mcdonaldised is controlling. Control of non-human technology, includes computers, bar coding scanners other techniques that remove human inconsistency from procedures and control people (Salazar, Costa, Rita, 2010). So, according to Ritzer, we can apply the term Mcdonldised in every aspect of our daily life. In this essay, we are analyzing the aspects of Mcdonaldised in tourism, their positive and negative impacts hospitality. This analysis shows the impact of the tourism industry in the 21st century. Impact of Mcdonaldised The hospitality sector encourages to study of host and guest and motivated by a public relation. In hospitality you make every possible aspect of delivering services to the customers feel at home and satisfied with your services. It is related in all the sectors of domestic and commercial. Analyzation of Hospitality In the modern world, the term hospitality has become popular and may be interpreted in different ways, whether it is public services or commercial based. The key of the successful hospitality in both the commercial and private embraces facts of what suggest the pleasure in the guest and hospitality as a process that includes arrival, providing comfortable services and fulfill and satisfied the customers need (Edwards Meiselman, 2005). In tourism sector the different components that relate to hospitality like food, accommodation, place of attraction, and other useful information, hospitality must be applied in all these components to feel the customer satisfied. The customer always wants the best utilization of resources with minimum cost, and when they offered a little bit higher cost with the satisfied hospitality they will not hesitate to pay for good and the best hospitality in tourism sector and they tell others, which benefit from the whole tourism industry (Frochot, 2010). The hospitality industry can be analyzed and debated in cultural, domestics and commercial domains. Let us discuss one by one. Cultural domain- The cultural domain of hospitality includes the act of hospitableness that takes place in social forces on the production and consumption of accommodation, and food, etc. It suggests the requirement to study the social context in which particular hospitality activities take place. Domestic domain- The Domestic domain helps the issues related to the meaning of hosting and hospitableness. The provision of accommodation and food shows the feeling of friendship and special bonds among the people who believes in sharing hospitality (Gross, 2010). Commercial domain- The commercial provision of hospitality used in most of the societies in the United State of America where hospitality does not occupy the main position in the value system. There is always an issue related to the commercial, hospitability an argument that restaurants and hotel facilities are really economic and contain in management activity (Sean et al., 2011). Fig: Understanding of commercial, hospitality industry According to the Ritzer process of Mcdonaldised the efficiency of hospitality in commercial domain increase by adopting the principles of predictability, calculability, and efficiency. These processes help in generating customers emotions and feeling of being undervalued as individual personalities (Christou, 2002). Standardizing and the systemizing procedures are a central characteristic of the approach to dealing with hospitality services in hotels and bars. Positive and negative aspects of the Mcdonaldised Hospitality Industry Hospitality Industry explores the delivery of host and guest experiences. This is also very vast industry in which services are varied from accommodation, food, drink and other services. Hospitality sector considers small firm providers operating a bed and breakfast accommodation, guest house, where the domestic and commercial aspects of the hospitality and hospitableness get mixed (Davidow, 2001). There are lots of service providers, Hotels, Restaurants, eateries come into the picture. Generally, a guest requires touch base approach when he approaches a hotel, restaurant or an eatery. As the globalization or McDonaldization happens in every industry, the hospitality industry is also not untouched. This industry demands labour cost reduction with the increased use of technology. The world is witnessing a positive aspect of it in the area of making a reservation for accommodation. Currently, there are lots of mobile and internet applications that are available through which guests can make bookings of hotels, guest houses or even small rooms which are available for bed and breakfast. As the whole process is user-friendly and efficient (which is one of the McDonaldization factors) is increased, customer experience is also good (K Kang, 2015). The impact is so positive now there is no much requirement of staff for business promotions and bookings, so there is a decrease in service levels, and increase in customer self-service. Perhaps the core of the hospitality industry essentially requires hosts welcoming the guest into their space that means this industry demands a personal touch. Guests or customer empathy is totally moved on with respect to given quality of services where the personal touch is required. Efficiency cant be increased with decreasing people (Gross, 2010). There have been many adverse customers reactions to McDonaldization trend in this industry that has resulted in some hospitality organizations returning to service personalization for their competitive advantage. No doubt there is a need to provide quick and quality services to the customers that mean Bigger the Better but all buyers are different and their requirements and desires are also different, so the general rule of Predictability and Control cant be applied in every situation (Stierand Wood, 2012). Designing and exploring the customer experience require a thorough research as it does touch base with different formats and dimensions. The future of hospitality wants to be well thought-out as a symbol for receiving people into not- hospitality industry spaces. In this century, a tendency of Mcdonaldised, where the labour cost is reduced through the faster and increased use of technology that diminishing service levels, and increasing customer self-service are functioning among all the sectors of the hospitality industry (Mohsin, 2010). Tourism has always been the main prospect for people to get in touch and connected with different cultures and customs. There is a need to study the tourism industry and its impacts on the customers the large -scale nature of the tourism industry necessitates the aspects of McDonaldization with examples like the efficiency of short and packaged activities, the calculability of tour time frame, the predictability of activities with certainty and the control through different higher technology (Gustavo, 2013). The suggestion of flexibility and customization, included in Mcdonaldised, is an independent booking, explanation, and customizable tour. Ritzier used Mcdonaldised as a prime example because according to him McDonald model is used not only in the tourism industry, but it can be applied in other business also. In the world of the 21ST century, everything is becoming more Mcdonaldised and it is necessary to analyze the impact of Mcdonaldised (Edwards Meiselman, 2005). Here we are discussing the positive and negative impact of Mcdonaldised in Tourism industry. The Mcdonaldised model captures the marketable transactions and different activities within the tourism industry. AS the study of Mcdonaldised it shows more negative aspects of the model, but to analyze the situation effectively, we must study the positive and negative from all perspectives and through all frames. The two main positive sides of Mcdonaldised tourism sector are convenient and affordable. It is convenient in both points of view for the customer and for the tourist businessman. There are many websites where customers can see all the details related to their destination point (Davidow, 2001). The customer can do himself an online booking for the tickets, accommodation, transport facility, food, and other important information in one place without wasting time and it also saves the money of the consumers. It is easy to manage the business by net banking with keeping all the business records which would probably not easy without the quick aspect of Mcdonaldised. Mcdonaldised is also helpful in affordability point of view. It allowed, the middle-class people to afford their earning in tourism sectors as get the best cheaper tourism plan on the website with direct dealing in the absence of any middlemen. It also helps to increase the growth and development rate of the tourism industry, as more people engaged themselves in preparing a holiday plan. For the business purpose also it is easily able to make the clients with online basis. The business gets successes by giving full information about their hotels, their services to the customers (Gustavo, 2013). As the Mcdonalidised model has standardized facts of running the business it is easy for the tourist industry to maintain the standards of the business. In Ritzier thesis people travel for a different experience of what could experience at home. They want vacations that are more controllable, predictable, and efficient for them. The impact of Mcdonaldised must be clear by recalling the main aspects Mcdoladised which we have discussed above. Efficiency is the ideal method of completing the task in an easy and quick way. As consumers get every information in one place with less effort, similarly tourism workers also perform less effort to find the clients. The owners of the business get successes as their business runs faster and more efficiently. This system offers comfort and constancy in the rapidly changing world. Efficiency aspect is the advantage to its holders, as what the consumers wants they get it quickly, workers has to do less effort and holder get benefits in his business (Kang, Lee, Huh, 2010). In the tourism sector, we can see the example of Walt Disney fast services like online booking, passes and so on. As we take the example of theme parks, it has an efficiency to deal with a large number of people with highly rationalized machines. In the parking area, they will manage the number of cars with an organized and systematic manner as in Disney parking is the best example of quick effectiveness. Such a high level of effectiveness is required to deal with the traffic of modern theme park and encourage the tourist sector by giving comfort services. ATM is the best example of quick service at any place because money transactions are important in every field (Ladkin, 2002). It can lead to certain drawbacks, also as ATM force the customers to perform their own work that was originally performed for them not by them. The efficiency for the tourism industry owners become inefficient for the consumers and they have to do lots of efforts in searching the sites and have to pay for the privilege of making your own plan (Tse, 2012). There is lots of hidden information and sometimes it will create lots of confusion. So its better to handle the Mcdonaldised model carefully. According to the calculability aspect, consumers prefer quantity and quick delivery instead of quality bases. This is generally not true. Today, consumers expect quality services. In tourism sectors also if the services are good and comfort of the consumers they will manage their financial transactions, but they will not adjust in terms of quality services. It is a difficult task to regulate the quantitative suggestions with quality aspects (Mia, 2002). If ignore the quality aspect, its not easy to attain the number of people. The tourist gets attracted in terms of neatness, friendly staff and other visible indicators of quality. All the tourist attraction places show the image of quality and to handle the huge amount of people in a systematic manner. In the tourism sector, we have seen many theme parks for children and other activities can be predicted by the customers which help him to choose the destination. Consumers simply know what they are going to get before the vacations. They know everything about the destination place like safety point of view, food availability, traffic free areas and other information that saves the time as consumer predicts before about the time duration so its easy to organize their plan (Marianne et al., 2014). The Predictability concept is looking great in some restaurants and store, but it cant be attractive and applied in every field of tourism. In holiday destinations, places consumers always excited about the new adventures and doing innovative things they will more curious in doing unpredictable things rather than predicted. For the tourist industry doing and creating innovative ideas is helpful in competing for market strategy. As they have different and creative options to serve their clients in a more systematic way. In control aspect, the practice of technologies minimizes the inefficiency and unpredictability in human nature. To control, a large number of people in the huge, crowded area needs high technologies to control. Fewer workforces hired to control the machine work and employers in the industry maintain tighter control over their employees. The control system includes the transportation, tour packaging and other tourism products. Everything is pre-measured and automatically controlled. The people no need to think, just push the button and get all the desired information and simply follow the instructions. For example, radio taxi at your service within 5 minutes, through net banking you can know all the information at any place and at any time. For tour planning, you need not worry about the bookings and so on. Everything is done so quickly that you even not need to waste even a single second (Walsh et al., 2014). In a the21st century, its not bad to use high techniques to get the things easily and comfortably, but our lives are becoming more Mcdonaldised which gives adverse effects. The main drawback of controlling model is itself as it is totally technologically based, there is no need for manpower which creates unemployment and if there is any technical problem arises, it is not easy to handle as it will be time-consuming as well as lots of money is required to sort out the controlling system of any new technology. There are some more Dimensions of Mcdonaldised that did not include the four aspects, but they are equally important- Deskilling -To do work with the minimum abilities as all the bookings, tour packaging, related information is easily available on the sites. As there is no need to give extra efforts and training to workers as they are cheaply trained and easily replaceable (Lynch, 2015). It creates the situation of unemployment in the field of the tourism sector and skilled labour is almost diminished. Consumer Worker- The main trickiest logic about the Mcdoladised is that consumer becomes an unpaid employee. The best examples are the various food chain restaurants applies self-services and take your own order. The irrationality of Rationality- As the craziness of most the attractive tourist spot having a large number of people creates the irrationality of rationality and thus the Mcdonaldised efficiency normally leads to inadequacy for the place. At some time, it is very difficult to manage the time limits of the place (Lyck, 2002). Customer purchases passes and tickets for the different attractive activities. They spend lots of time in standing large queue which resultant either they got the tickets or its too late for other activities and this is a very crucial situation in customer point of view as they will not enjoy the full activities and they already pay for the whole activity. These situations often arise in amusement parks, sports water parks. It is not good for the customers, but it gives an advantage to the tourist owner as they get their price whether customer enjoyed or not. Its not false to say that the efficiency aspect of Mcdonaldised works for the industry, not for the cus tomers or guest. This creates a wider impact on tourist destinations. MCdonaldised is not an issue. The problem is handled with care. Mcdonaldised affects the tourism industry in positive as well as negative aspects. It is beneficial for those who properly manage its aspects and brought wealth to them. Without Mcdonaldised the tourism industry does not take the benefits of higher technology, which lead to the growth and development of the industry. Conclusion Thus Mcdonaldised is a process of breaking the major task into the smaller task and the process continues till they reach in the active method. The work is done in a rapid and effective manner with predicted thought all aspects are controlled and quantity becomes the measurement of good presentation. We deeply studied the Mcdonaldised given by Ritzier in terms of hospitality and in tourism Industry. As the tourism industry is incomplete without effective hospitality. The theory of Mcdonaldised used in many food industries in order to provide the best quality of food and services to the customers (Magnini, 2009). Mcdonaldised helps in adopting the best use of modern technology not only in the tourism sector but in every field of life. It helps in providing quick and fast services to the customers with different options. It increases the efficiency of the industry; the as large amount of products is available in one roof with good quality. The products that are costly are now affordabl e by the customer. Along the positive results, every aspect has a negative image also. Ritzier also explains that internal issues and problems only give rise to incompetence and the fast development of the fast food restaurants not only affects the health related issues to the customers but also affect the whole environment. It also points out the issues that are linked to the quality and services offered by the hotels and restaurants, which affect the whole tourism industry. This presentation divides organizations into two approaches given by Ritzer. Organizations like local eatery shops, art and craft galleries, small business centers, etc., follow "Something" approach. Organizations like McDonald's, Walmart, Starbucks, credit cards, the Internet follow "Nothing" approach. Organizations believe in "Something" approach are derived by locally conceived and controlled social form which is rich in social values are in danger. On the other hand, the organizations follow "Nothing" are centrally conceived and controlled are getting flourished and pushing former organizations out of society. Due to globalization, customers are demanding customization so the increase in market fragmentation and actual movement is happening to mass customization from mass production. Should the hospitality and tourism industry adopt more customization? Should both sectors completely adopt McDonaldization Society? If the answer is yes, then how does it go about achieving it? The Author believes it is not possible to have a standard formula for mass customization for both industries. The Author believes complete McDonaldization is organization specific and successful adoption of this model by one company can't work for another one. On the other hand, it will be foolishness to disregard McDonaldization approach completely. The company itself needs to understand where or in which areas it can bring customization and adopt new technologies without compromising its core values otherwise they may lose their business. The author believes that organization, which are well prepared for accepting new technologies and doing customization as per customer demands will be rewarded with customer loyalty, market leadership, productivity, and profitability. 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