Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Transformational And Transactional Coaching Styles Affect...

Transformational and transactional coaching styles affect program philosophy so coaches must learn the difference between the two. A transactional coach exhibits selfish behavior and will put their needs above others. Due to this selfish behavior, the transactional coach will follow a course that will give him the most benefit without regard to his players. For example, winning benefits the coach by feeding his ego, so the coach may use players just to win more games. After playing for several transactional coaches, Ehrmann (2011) wrote, â€Å"they ignored athletes developmental needs and often manipulated and distorted the values of winning and losing† (p.7). As a result, the transactional coach disregards any long-term benefits of playing the game and makes decisions for the short-term benefits such as winning. With this mindset, a player-coach relationship does not become a priority and takes on a secondary importance. In fact, how well the player performs may govern the player-coach relationship. Lastly, a transactional coach tends to use extrinsic motivation that uses rewards and punishments to achieve desired outcomes. In contrast, a transformational coach exhibits selfless behavior that considers others’ needs. By putting players first, the transformational coach invests in developing and building relationships with them. More importantly, the player-coach relationship remains in place regardless of how well the player performs. 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